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45 Prospect St
Cambridge, MA, 02139

6176887761 is a directory of financial contribution opportunities that helps individuals & organizations make, receive, and inspire more financial contributions.


Learn about us



Financial Contribution’s mission is simply to help facilitate & inspire as many financial contributions as possible!

About launched on March 28th, 2018 with the mission of enabling organizations & individuals to make, receive, & inspire more financial contributions using Financial Contribution’s software, branding materials, consulting services, and more. Financial Contribution Inc. defines financial contributions as any means of financially contributing to something whether it’s an investment, donation, purchasing products/services, etc.

Leveraging our NFT-backed loans we offer the ability for lenders to earn passive income or acquire NFTs. As of last year (2024) the team has successfully borrowed and repaid over $100,000 worth of NFT-backed loans with interest, this is verifiable on the Blockchain. Lenders who understand the value of some of these NFTs fund loans that the NFTs are backing to either acquire the NFT or earn money when the loan is repaid with interest. Feel free to consult with us to learn more about our NFT-backed loans (funding 1 or 2 loans can earn more money than 1 hour of consulting with us costs). advocates for voting with your dollar, transparent pricing, conscious consumerism, getting paid for your talents/abilities/insights, & more. By making a financial contribution to & funding a loan or consulting you’re financially contributing to this mission! Members of Financial Contribution Inc.’s team are proudly invested in (we invested in 2019, before Mr. Wonderful). We’re big fans of equity crowdfunding and we advocate for it often. We’re also very interested in Blockchain, Crypto & NFT technologies!

“We vote with our dollars almost everyday.”

- Joshua Mendes-Yesufu 9/18/2018


Joshua Mendes-Yesufu

Joshua Mendes-Yesufu originally launched (FC) on March 28th, 2018 as a curated directory of financial contribution opportunities. Josh was born & raised in Boston, MA and is 2nd generation Nigerian. Before Financial Contribution he ran a software R&D company called “Joftware” which he started within a year of graduating high school. Today he’s passionate about his long term goal of using to help facilitate as many financial contributions as possible!

Christina Herron

Christina Herron

Christina Herron serves as an advisor, she has a passion for educating consumers and potential clients about new tools to simplify and enhance their lives or businesses. She received her M.B.A and B.A from Clark University. 

Sandrah Abbuah

Sandrah Abbuah

Sandrah Abbuah assists with operations, data analysis, quality assurance / software testing, business development & more! Sandrah graduated from Wentworth Institute of Technology with an Applied Math degree in 2015.

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© Financial Contribution Inc. 2025 All Rights Reserved.

This website is for information purposes only. Under no circumstances is this website or the information contained herein to be considered an offer to sell or as a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial product. Investments are offered only via definitive transaction documents and any potential investor should read such documents carefully, including all the risk factors relating to the investment, before investing. Financial Contribution Inc. is neither a broker-dealer, investment advisor nor funding portal.